Organizations: Chevra Kadisha

bullet if you would like to help prepare niftarim for burial or if you have any general questions, comments, bar minan needs, etc. -- please contact Michael Poppers.

bullet if you would like to help prepare niftaros for burial -- please contact Rivky Becker.

bullet if you would like to help prepare the initial post-burial meal for the immediate family of the niftar/nifteres -- please contact Rachie Niren.

bullet if you would like to help prepare the mourner's/mourners' house for shiv'a use (e.g. bring chairs or siddurim, cover mirrors, etc.) -- please contact Michael Poppers.

Upcoming and past events:

to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5785 event w/ Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5785 event w/ Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5784 event w/ Rabbi Haim Jachter, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5784 event w/ Rabbi Haim Jachter, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5783 event w/ Rabbi Dani Rapp, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5783 event w/ Rabbi Dani Rapp, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5782 event w/ Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5782 event w/ Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5781 event w/ Dr. David Pelcovitz, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5781 event w/ Dr. David Pelcovitz, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5780 event w/ Rabbi Yosef Sharbat, click! to see the sponsors' list for the Zayin Adar 5780 event w/ Rabbi Yosef Sharbat, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5778 event w/ Rabbi Henoch Plotnik, click!
to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5775 event w/ Dr. Daniel Eisenberg, click! to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5774 event w/ Rabbi Tzvi Hebel, click! to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5772 event w/ Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, click! to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5769 event w/ Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, click!

Audio/video/summary of past events:

5785: lecture by Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg
after introductory divrei Torah by Rabbi Pinchas Shapiro

(also available here)

5783: lecture by Rabbi Dani Rapp
after introductory divrei Torah (unrecorded) by Rabbi Jonathan Schwartz

5782: shiur by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler
after introductory divrei Torah by (in chronological order)
Dr. Dovid Moradi and Rabbi Jonathan Schwartz

5781: lecture via Zoom by Dr. David Pelcovitz Recording available here.

5780: shiur by Rabbi Yosef Sharbat No A/V (sorry!), but here are the source sheets (pages 1, 2, and 3) and one attendee's summary.

5779: divrei Torah by (in chronological order) Michael Poppers, Rabbi Avrohom Herman, and Rabbi Michael Bleicher

5778: shiur by Rabbi Henoch Plotkin

5777: shiur by Rabbi Isaac Rice
(alternatively available here)

5773: lecture by Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman