Meet our Rabbi

Rabbi Avrohom Herman
The Jewish Educational Center Elmora Shul is proud to have Rabbi Avrohom Herman at the helm as its spiritual leader since 2005. Together with his wife Rivky, the Hermans have infused the community with their warm and caring nature. In just these few years the community has become invigorated with an influx of about 25 young families who are becoming active in our Shul. The young couples already organized a Melava Malka as well as other events to further enhance the new relationships that have been formed. Young people have risen to leadership positions and are motivated by the warmth and camaraderie of the community.
In addition, many new programs have been instituted; a Sisterhood was organized and their activities have helped our community draw closer to one another. A weekly Kiddush takes place to provide an opportunity for our Shul families to socialize and meet with each other.
Rabbi Herman has added new Torah learning experiences to the already existing Torah Study classes that are part of our Elmora Shul community. Early morning weekday learning, late afternoon, between Mincha and Maariv, a Talmud class in the evening, Lunch 'N' Learn during the week, a Senior Lunch 'N' Learn monthly program, a women's Parsha class, Shabbat afternoon Talmud class, Perek on the Lawn in the spring and summer are only some of the opportunities that our Shul families have available for their growth in Torah. His presence is felt in all of the Shul's minyanim. He speaks weekly in the Main Shul and for the Sephardic minyan and monthly for the Hashkama and Youth minyanim.
In addition to Rabbi Herman's myriad responsibilities, his guidance and counsel are always sought after by members of the congregation. His ability to relate to all segments of the community is respected by everyone.
The Hermans are well known for opening their home on a regular basis for community events, such as the Rebbetzin's Tea and teenage and college youth Oneg Shabbat and Oneg Yom Tov programs. Our Shul has become a warmer, more vibrant and more inviting center of Jewish activity for all. The sense of achdus that is generated through the Elmora Shul is due to the total involvement of our Rabbi and Rebbetzin and the example they set for young and old.
Prior to coming to Elizabeth, Rabbi and Mrs. Herman lived in Scranton, PA, where Rabbi Herman served as Rav of Congregation Beth Shalom for 16 years.
Rabbi Herman was ordained by Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim with an advanced Semicha Degree. He is a graduate of CUNY Queens College, where he received his BA degree.
Rabbi Herman can be reached at his office, 908-355-4850 extension 104, on his cell phone, 908-220-7317, or by email.
Our community is greatly enhanced by the presence of Rabbi and Mrs. Herman and their family.