In addition, our Adult Education Department provides Internet-transmitted live shiurim both on Thursday evening (Rabbis Yissocher Frand and Eli Mansour) and Motzoei Shabbos (Rabbi Yisroel Reisman) -- in past years, hosted in person at a SmartBoard-equipped JEC classroom, but since the CoViD-19 pandemic, via email. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear Torah from some of the most renowned speakers of our time on a regular basis in our own local community.
In March 2020/Adar 5780, Rabbi Herman emailed a list of learning opportunities in the community and on the WWW; in March 2008/Adar II 5768, Rabbi Herman provided this list of noteworthy shiurim for your consideration. Please also note below a daily schedule of Shul and local-Kollel shiurim.
Please check out our audio/video section for any shiurim or Torah classes that may be available for your listening or viewing pleasure; please check this page out for source sheets or other textual materials related to shiurim or Torah classes.
We are always open to hearing about new speakers and shiurim opportunities. Please direct any information or thoughts to Rabbi Herman.
Community shiurim that take place at the Elmora Avenue Shul and our local Kollel:
8am: Parasha (R. Herman) @ JEC, Shul
[varies] Women’s Parasha Shiur (Cong. Bais Hillel or designated community homes) by Rabbi Avraham Preil
[40m before Main Shul Mincha] Blatt (R. Herman) @ JEC
[1h before Main Shul Mincha] Rabbi Cohen Memorial Daf Yomi shel Shabbat (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
[during Main Shul S'udah Shlishis] Halacha in Parasha (R. Herman) @ JEC Halpern Cafeteria
[approx. 1h after Main Shul Ma'ariv] Father/Son learning @ Union Y
[approx. 1h after Main Shul Ma'ariv] Parent/Daughter learning @ Union Y
[approx. 2h after Main Shul Ma'ariv] Video webcast of R. Yisroel Reisman’s Navi Shiur via email
[seasonally] JEC Alumni Shiur (R. Bomrind) @ JEC, either Reibel or Halpern Bais Medrash
[before {EST} or after {DST} Reibel-BM Mincha] Dirshu (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
8pm: night seder (Kollel)
9:30am: G’mara Shabbas (Kollel)
[before {EST} or after {DST} Reibel-BM Mincha] Dirshu (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
8pm: night seder (Kollel)
9:30am: G’mara Shabbas (Kollel)
[before {EST} or after {DST} Reibel-BM Mincha] Dirshu (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
[7:15pm {EST} or after Reibel-BM Ma’ariv {DST}] Jewish History or NaCH (R. Avie Pinsker) @ JEC Room 130
8pm: night seder (Kollel)
[before {EST} or after {DST} Reibel-BM Mincha] Dirshu (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
7:15pm: Women’s Parsha Shiur (R. Herman) @ JEC Room 130
8pm: night seder (Kollel)
8:30pm: Chavrusa learning @ JEC Reibel BM
9:30am: G’mara Shabbas (Kollel)
[before {EST} or after {DST} Reibel-BM Mincha] Dirshu (R. Kivelevitz) @ JEC Reibel Bais Medrash
7:30pm: G’mara M’gila (R. Herman) @ JEC
8pm: night seder (Kollel)
9:30am: G’mara Shabbas (Kollel)