Recent Events

-- 2025 --

to see the flyer for the OU Women's Initiative gathering on 10Teiveis, click! to see the flyer for the TU BiShvat event in Jan., click!

-- 2024 --

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Dec., click! to see the flyer for the Shabbos Chanukah luncheon, click! to see the flyer for the Dec. Yudkowitz-fund shiur, click!
to see the flyer for the Oneg on November 15th, click! to see the schedule for Shavuos-night learning, click! to see the schedule for Shavuos-night learning for ladies only, click!
to see the schedule for the panel discussion on Shavuos, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Feb. 23rd, click! to see the flyer for the festivities on Purim night, click!
to see the flyer for the Oneg on January 5th, click! to see the flyer for the Shul's annual Dinner=>Melaveh Malka on January 13th, click!
to see the flyer for the Shabbaton on Shabbos P'Yisro 5784/Feb. 2nd&3rd, click! to see the flyer for the Oneg on Feb. 2nd, click! to see the flyer for R'Dr.Presby's lecture on Feb. 3rd, click!

-- 2023 --

to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on March 3rd, click! to see the flyer for the festivities on Purim night, click!
to see the flyer for the TU BiShvat event in Jan., click! to see the flyer for the scholar-in-residence weekend in January, click! to see the flyer for the Zayin Adar 5783 event w/ Rabbi Dani Rapp, click!

-- 2022 --

to see the flyer for the Dec. Yudkowitz-fund shiur, click!
to see the flyer for the festivities on Purim night, click! to see the flyer for the Men's Oneg in November, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Dec., click! to see the flyer for the Feb. Scholar in Residence, click! to see the flyer for a pre-Purim shiur for women, click! to see the flyer for the Feb. shadchonus meeting, click!

-- 2021 --

to see the flyer for the Men's Oneg in December, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Dec. 24th, click!
to see the flyer for the Comedy Night in June, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Nov., click!
to see the flyer for a pre-Purim shiur for women, click! to see the flyer for the festivities on Purim night, click!

-- 2020 --

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Sep., click! to see the flyer for women's events on Tish'a b'Av, click! to see the flyer for the Chevra Kadisha program in Mar., click!
to see the flyer for the Mar. Yudkowitz-fund shiur, click! to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click!

-- 2019 --

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Dec., click! to see the Simchas haTorah schedule, click!
to see the schedule for Shavuos-night learning, click! to see the schedule for the panel discussion on Shavuos, click! to see the schedule for Tish'a B'Av, click! to see the flyer for the scholar-in-residence weekend in May, click! to see the flyer for the scholar-in-residence weekend on 31May-01June, click! to see the flyer for the scholar-in-residence weekend on 14-15June, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Feb., click! to see the flyer for the Book Club event in Mar., click! to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click! to see the Annual Dinner invitation, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Feb. 8th, click!

-- 2018 --

to see the flyer for the Genius Gems get-together on Nov. 10th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Dec., click! to see the flyer for the sholom-bayis workshop in Dec., click! to see the flyer for the kids' pre-Sukkos decorating, click! to see the flyer for the Chol haMoeid trip to Great Adventure, click!
to see the Simchas haTorah solicitation, click! to see the Simchas haTorah schedule, click!
to see the flyer for the pre-Slichos-week Kumsitz, click! to see the schedule for Tish'a B'Av, click! to see the ladies' program for Tish'a B'Av day, click!
(please volunteer by modifying this sheet)
to see the flyer for the volunteer meeting in July, click!
to see the flyer for Mrs. Shochet's Shavuos lectures/discussions, click! to see the flyer for the cookbook event in May, click! to see the form for the June Kiddush honoring graduates, click! to see the flyer for Rabbi Taragin's in-residence schedule for 11-12May, click! to see the flyer for the Book Club meeting in March, click! to see the flyer for the Scholar-in-Residence weekend in Apr., click! to see the flyer for Dr. Weissman's May lecture, click! to see the flyer for the Chevra Kadisha program in Feb., click!
to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click! to see the flyer for the Seudah on Purim, click!
Many thanks to Yony Zekry for lovely pictures of Purim at EAS!
(a slideshow of the Annual Dinner is available by clicking here)
to see the invitation for the Annual Dinner, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Feb., click!

-- 2017 --

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Dec., click! to see the flyer for the 19Dec (first!) Book Club meeting, click!
to see the Simchas haTorah schedule, click! to see the schedule for the 22Nov visit of the Bostoner Rebbe, click!
to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Aug., click! to see the schedule for Tish'a B'Av, click! to see the flyer for the Texas Kosher BBQ event, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos-night learning schedule, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos panel discussion, click!
to see the flyer for the schedule of Yom Yerushalayim events, click! to see the flyer for the 07May Yom Yerushalayim film, click!
to see the flyer for the 17May Yom Yerushalayim lecture, click! to see the flyer for the 20May Yom Yerushalayim presentation, click!
to see the flyer for 02Apr events, the pickup of Sheimos and hagalas keilim, click! to see the flyer for the Kiddush/lunch on Shabbos prior to Pesach, click!
to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click! to see the flyer for the Seudah on Purim day, click!
to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Jan., click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood event in Mar., click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Mar. 3rd, click!

-- 2016 --

to see the invitation for the Annual Dinner, click! Many thanks to Dr. Harris Saltzburg and others for lovely pictures of the 2016 Shul Dinner! (and if the slideshow is not visible, try seeing it by clicking here)
to see the flyer for the Oneg on Nov. 25th, click! to see the flyer for the Renewal kidney-donation awareness event on 24 Sep., click! to see the Simchas haTorah schedule, click! to see the schedule for Shavuos 5776, click! to see the flyer for the 2nd-day-Shavuos 5776 kiddush, click! to see the flyer for the 2nd-day-Shavuos 5776 panel discussion, click!

Purim Chagiga, 23 Mar 2016
(many thanks to Dr. Harris Saltzburg for the lovely pictures!)

to see the flyer for the Seniors Purim Party on March 21st, click! to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click!

-- 2015 --

to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch&Learn during Chanukah, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Dec. 18th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch&Learn in January, click! to see the Simchas haTorah schedule, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch&Learn in November, click! to see the flyer for Rav Goldwicht's Scholar-in-Residence weekend for P'Vayeishev, click! to see the form for the June Kiddush honoring graduates, click! to see the form for the June Kiddush sponsors, click! to see the flyer for dancing on 03 Jun 2015, click! to see the schedule for Shavuos 5775 overnight learning, click! to see the flyer re the Shavuos 5775 Kiddush, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos 5775 panel discussion, click! to see the flyer for Yeshivas bein haZ'manim prior to Pesach 5775, click!
to see the flyer for the Wine and Dessert Oneg in Feb., click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch&Learn in March, click! to see the flyer for the Chagigah on Purim night, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Jan. 30th, click! to see the flyer for the Mikvah Melave Malka on Feb. 7th, click! to see the flyer for the Mikvah Taharas haMishpacha classes in Feb., click!

-- 2014 --

to see the flyer for the Seniors' Chanukah Celebration on Dec. 18th, click! to see the flyer for the Oneg on Dec. 26th, click!
to see the flyer for Sisterhood Movie Night on Dec. 1st, click! to see the flyer for the Tiferes presentation on Dec. 8th, click! to see the invitation for the Annual Dinner on Dec. 13th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Nov. 18th, click!
to see the form for the Seniors' Sukkos Party on Oct. 13th, click! to see the flyer for the Simchas Torah events/schedule on Oct. 16th amd 17th, click! to see the form for the P'Noach Shabbos Project events, click! to see the flyer for the events occurring during Shavuos 5774, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos-overnight schedule, click! to see the flyer for pre-Passover Shaimos pickup and vessel purging, click!
to see the flyer for the Chevra Kadisha program on March 9th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Spring Boutique on March 9th, click!
to see the schedule for events around and on Purim, click! to see the flyer for the Purim Chagigah on March 15th, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Jan. 3rd, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Jan. 7th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Feb. 11th, click!

-- 2013 --

to see the flyer for the Chasanei Torah Tisch on Dec. 20th, click!

Shul Dinner, 15 Dec 2013
(many thanks to Dr. Harris Saltzburg for the lovely pictures!)

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Chanukah Package Party on Nov. 19th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Chanukah Celebration on Dec. 3rd, click! to see the flyer for the P'Vayigash events commemorating Rav PMTeitz's Yahrzeit, click! to see the flyer for the Simchas Torah events/schedule on Sep. 26th and 27th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Movie Night event on October 14th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Oct. 29th, click! to see the flyer for Rabbi Herman's special shiur on Aug. 31st, click! to see the flyer for the Agudas Israel Yom Iyun on Labor Day, click! to see the flyer for the Arba Minim sale on Sep. 16th, click! to see the flyer for R'Michael Hattin's lecture on July 8th, click! to see the schedule for Tish'a B'Av, should Mashiach not come, click! to see the schedule for Women's Kinnos on Tish'a B'Av, should Mashiach not come, click! to see the flyer for Sisterhood's Murray the Sock Man camp sale on June 12th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' end-of-year party on June 24th, click! to see the flyer for Sisterhood's Annual Dinner on June 26th, click! to see the form for the June Kiddush honoring graduates, click! to see the flyer listing the June Kiddush sponsors, click!
to see the flyer for the sholom-bayis discussion on May 19th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Game Night event on May 20th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on May 22nd, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos-overnight schedule, click! to see the flyer for the events occurring during Shavuos 5773, click!
to see the 14 April Shul Dinner invitation, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Apr. 17th, click!
to see the flyer for the pick-up of sheimos on March 17th, click! to see the flyer for the Shabbos Hagadol weekend (March 22nd-23rd), click! to see the flyer for the Shabbos Hagadol weekend (March 22nd-23rd), click! to see the flyer for the P'Yisro-weekend visit of the Bostoner Rebbe, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' pre-Purim Party on Feb. 20th, click! to see the flyer for the Purim Chagigah on Feb. 23rd, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors' Lunch'n'Learn on Jan. 9th, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Jan. 11th, click! to see the flyer for the community Brunch on Jan. 20th, click!

-- 2012 --

to see the flyer for the Seniors' Chanukah party on Dec. 10th, click!
to see the flyer for the Family Seudah Shlishis on Nov. 17th, click! to see the flyer for the 1st Annual Bowl-a-Thon, orig. scheduled for May 20th, rescheduled for Nov. 25th, click! to see the pledge sheet for the 1st Annual Bowl-a-Thon, orig. scheduled for May 20th, rescheduled for Nov. 25th, click! to see the form for the Seniors' Sukkos Party on Oct. 4th, click! to see the flyer for the Simchas Torah events/schedule on Oct. 8th and 9th, click!
to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Dinner on July 11th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Book Club event on Aug. 6th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learn in September, click! to see the flyer for Sisterhood's Murray the Sock Man camp sale on June 6th, click! to see the form for the June Kiddush honoring graduates, click! to see the form for the Seniors' EOY Party on June 21st, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learn in May, click! to see the flyer for the Shavuos-overnight schedule, click! to see the flyer for the events occurring during Shavuos 5772, click!

Purim Chagiga, 07 Mar 2012
(many thanks to Dr. Harris Saltzburg for the lovely pictures!)

to see the flyer for the Seniors pre-Purim program on Mar. 5th, click! to see the flyer for the Purim Chagiga on Mar. 7th, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Spring Boutique on Mar. 12th, click!

Shul Dinner, 25 Feb 2012
(to see lots more pictures as well as to order pictures, please go to Al Martin's site,
click on the appropriate link, and enter password "Rabbi Herman")

to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch 'N' Learn events in Jan. and Feb., click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Tea on Feb. 10th, click! to see the flyer for the Mens' tisch on Feb. 17th, click!

-- 2011 --

to see the flyer for the Seniors Chanukah Celebration, click! to see the two-page color brochure for the Sisterhood Goods&Services Auction on Nov. 19th, click! to see the full booklet for the Sisterhood Goods&Services Auction on Nov. 19th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learn in November, click! to see the flyer for the Mikvah events in November, click!
to see the flyer for the YBY shiur on Sep. 19th, click! to see the flyer for the Simchas Torah schedule on Oct. 21st, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood lecture on Oct. 25th, click! to see the letter and form for the Sisterhood Installation and Dinner on July 20th, click! to see the Shul schedule for Tish'a B'Av, click! to see the flyer for the Ladies' Kinos Program on Tish'a B'Av, click! to see the flyer for the LaG BaOmer BBQ (May 22nd), click! to see the Chag haShavuos overnight-learning schedule, click! to see the flyer for the Hebron Fund event on June 18th, click! to see the flyer for Murray's Camp Show on May 18th, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learn in May, click! to see the flyer for the Night of Kashrus event on May 15th, click!
to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learns in Jan. and Feb., click! to see the flyer for the 13Feb Breakfast Chaburah for Men, click!

-- 2010 --

to see the flyer for the 19Dec Breakfast Chaburah for Men, click!

Shul Dinner, 11 Dec 2010
to see the flyer for the Teitz Yahrzeit Weekend, click!

to see the flyer for the Sisterhood pre-Chanukah Package Party, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Chanukah Celebration, click! to see the flyer for the Teitz Yahrzeit Weekend, click! to see the flyer for the 14Nov Breakfast Chaburah for Men, click! to see the flyer for the Seniors Lunch'N'Learns in Oct. and Nov., click! to see the flyer for the 31Oct Breakfast Chaburah for Men, click!
to see the flyer for the first year-5771 Breakfast Chaburah for Men, click! to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Lecture by Penina Taylor, click!

from the 31Oct2010 Breakfast Chaburah

Hachnasas Seifer Torah, 05 Sep 2010

These and many more pictures can be seen in an available PowerPoint slideshow.  Enjoy!

to see the Sisterhood Camp-preparation event, click!   to see the flyer for the Sisterhood Annual Dinner, click!   to see the flyer for the Seniors Chol haMoed Sukkos Party, click! to see full flyer for the Siyum/Ne'ilas Chag haShavuos event, click! to see full flyer for the Siyum/Ne'ilas Chag haShavuos event, click! to see the Chag haShavuos overnight-learning schedule, click! to see full flyer for the Sisterhood Game Night event, click! to see full flyer for the Seniors pre-Purim Party, click! to see full flyer for Purim Chagiga 5770, click!

-- 2009 --

Elmora Avenue Shul Dinner, December 2009, honoring Chaim and Debbie Sarasohn