Member Information/Services
- initial membership information sheet (reformatted in response to member input at the 08 Nov 2005 General Meeting) -- if you haven't submitted this form before, please print it out, fill it in, and hand it in to the JEC Business Office
annual membership submission -- please print, fill out, and hand this form in (prior to September 15th or ASAP thereafter) to the JEC Business Office, or you can arrange membership online
- NOTE: general payments can be made here
- bylaws (password-protected; last amended Nov2010) -- please contact Michael Poppers or Rachie Niren or Evelyn Wolgin of the JEC Business Office for the password
- directory (password-protected; as of 04 Dec 2018) -- please contact Michael Poppers for the password or to submit updates
- "Announcements" mailing list-- if you haven't yet subscribed, please do (and take the time to add to your address book or approved-senders list in order to prevent your e-mail program from treating a mailing-list message as spam); previously-sent messages are available
- Yahrzeit-reminder service -- for further details, please contact Sheila Nashofer.
Donations / Sponsorships
Kiddush sponsorship begins at $300, and
donations of any amount are welcome -- for further details, please speak with Lisa Wadler
(whose contact information is here).
Please consider 'friend'ing the Kiddush in order to generally augment it -- see here.
- Shul-beautification drive -- if you would like to join existing sponsors and sponsor newly-purchased chumashim, machzorim, siddurim, or Women's-section vertical blinds in memory of or in honor of someone, please print the applicable form out, fill it in, and hand it in to the JEC Business Office
Bulletins / Letters
Aug2024 letter
from Board Chairman Joshua Walshver re Shul membership
Nov2023 letter
from Board Chairman Joshua Walshver on the Board-election process
the latest CoViD-19-related rules
, issued Dec 2020
Pesach 5777 packet
Summer 2015 letter
from Board Chairman Dr. Gordon Haas
- 2013Q1 Survey -- Help us help you - please print [the 2nd through 7th pages] and fill out this form and hand it in to the JEC Business Office.
- previously-online letters are available upon request